The Gïgants Research Paper

Words: 1023
Pages: 5

During the dawn of time, dinosaurs and Gïgants lived together. They shared a mutual bond, the same way humans and horses interact in the present. Alongside the Gïgants and dinosaurs lived the less intelligent, everyday creatures we have now. There were insects and reptiles and even less advanced vertebrates, like cows and sheep. Earth in this age was not as it is today. Exactly one half of the surface of the earth was land. This stretched from the northern pole of the earth all the way down to the southernmost tip. The other half of the sphere was completely water, from the surface all the way down to the center of the planet.
The Gïgants were the most socially complex of all the beings on Earth. They formed families and even developed a language using their mouths and hands. Gïgants assumed the form of humans we are today, but they wore no clothes, they had much smaller brains relative to the size of their bodies, and they had a lifespan of about 350 years. The average male adult stood at about 7,000 meters tall. The Gïgants lived and traveled together in small familial groups of no more than 10. The blessed Gïgants are known to us as our predecessors, those from whom we followed. The God of the Gïgants was a force they called Shaath and it was of no
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He did not know that his family had gone back to look for his brother. As soon as his head hit the brown earth with an ear-shattering THUMP, he drifted away from reality into a deep slumber. Hoag rolled into the vast sea, and just as Shaath had foretold, the entire Earth froze over, land and water. Only the southern coast of the world remained at a survivable temperature. Snow fell from the skies for three years and as soon as it touched Hoag’s floating body, it turned into impenetrable sheets of ice. Hoag now floats around at the bottom of the world covered in frozen white sheets, daring us to pay him a