It was based on evil and the lighting at times would reflect this. When the movie opened with the wedding the lighting was light and sunny. However, when the scene moved into the house it was gloomy and dark. In some scenes, for example, in the beginning of the film the lighting was soft and overhead. Other scenes the eyes would be hard to see while the head would be visible to emphasize on what was going on in their minds at that time. The transitions between dark and light were effortless and natural. The last scene of the film Michael’s “officers” are saluting him and praising him as the new don of the family. One of them shuts the door and then the film cuts to Kay looking back to the camera. The scene slowly is filled with darkness while the door is shut and at the same time Kay is shut out as well. Michael now has taken the position fully as the new don. Kay and Michael are now separated from each other and this is shown through the use of light and