The Golden Goblet Analysis

Words: 477
Pages: 2

The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw explores the dark and mysterious world of a young boy in ancient Thebes. After the fateful death of his father, Ranofer moved in with his thieving half brother Gebu the stone cutter. Thus the most important part of this novel is when Ranofer meets Heqet and the ancient because Heqet helped Ranofer when he was trying to find evidence that Gebu was stealing from the gold shop, and Heqet also helped Ranofer out of a tough spot; the ancient also contributed; he helped Ranofer be content with stone cutting as a craft and not be distracted from what really matters.
Heqet rescued Ranofer from Wenamon’s dog. Heqet “threw Domnuts at him” (p. 152) to frighten it away. Without Heqet being there, Wenamon would