The Grapes Of Wrath: A Short Story

Words: 2051
Pages: 9

Jack opens his eyes to the dark misty sky. He doesn’t know what is going on around him, or where he is. He looks around, sees just an empty space, and is quite confused. He remembers taking a break from his homework, by walking outside. He was walking out to the tree to go on his swing when he unexpectedly fell into a hole, which led him to this unknown world. When he awakes, he feels very alone and wants to go home. He gets up and starts walking towards a black, dark, and haunted looking building. He begins to slowly walk up the pathway to whatever this building is. He feels someone, or something watching him, and a big part of him wants to crawl back into the hole, but his feet will only go forward.
Jack touches the door, and it’s hot to
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I’m going to find a way to leave this crazy place! Why is it all black and white? And, why are there no flowers, or plants, or anything that grows?” “That is not of your concern. Let’s go.” Jack doesn’t quite know what to do. He doesn’t want to go with him, but there is no where else to go. He follows Curly into the bleakest kitchen he has ever seen. They eat their sandwiches, and Jack at last, has the courage to ask Curly more about this crazy world. Curly explains that this place is his creation. He hated the world where Jack is from, because he no one cared whether he lived or died. He created this world, where no one bothers him. Curly then explains that he got lonely, and he wanted someone to talk to, so he thought of a person, and Jack just showed up. Curly lets slip that Jack isn’t the only boy here, that he has others in a cave. Jack doesn’t know what to say. He feels atrocious , but he doesn’t want to stay here. He realizes what Curly just said, and he ask him about the others. Curly answers, “Well, there were others, but they didn’t live up to my expectations as friends. They kept whining and crying, so I banished them to the caves. If you don’t want to end up like them, just stay with me. Don’t cry, HOWEVER don’t try to leave.” Jack is getting a little scared, but he knows he has to stay strong in order to survive. In order to get out of here, he has to be one step ahead of Curly. So, Jack decides to “befriend” Curly. This is what Curly …show more content…
He is surprisingly strong, and Jack can’t stop him. In the back of the building, there is a creepy forest and Curly walks them into it. Jack hears creepy noises and it’s so black, he can hardly see where he is walking. They come to a heavy, solid looking door. Curly takes a key from his pocket, and unlocks the door. He tosses Jack inside, and closes the door with a loud thud. There are some candles, but other than that, there is no light. He hears a noise, and panic sets in. “Hello, anyone there?” Jack senses that this is the cave with the other boys. He is a little hopeful that maybe he’ll get out of here. He just has stay calm, and figure this out. Three figures come out of the “woodwork” and Jack calmly asks them their names, and he hears, Brad, Tyler, Danny. “I’m Jack, and I don’t know how long you’ve been in here, but we are getting out of here. Does anyone have any idea how?” All three look at each other, and laugh. Jack isn’t sure what to make of this. “I like your optimism, but you are never getting out of here.” Brad says. “I’ve been here the longest-30 years. Tyler, 20, and Danny