My bibliography shows what sources I have narrowed it down to for the purposes of this report. In addition, I am referencing Ellen White’s writings The Great Controversy and The Desire of Ages as they discuss this topic in detail. I am limiting this paper to a discussion of the purpose and location/time of the kingdom of God and when it begins. The presupposition going into this paper—a presupposition that is founded on my own experience and Biblical research—is that the kingdom of God is real and will …show more content…
Because why the kingdom of God exists is crucially linked to when it exists. As evidenced above, the main objective of the kingdom of God is to link man back with God and bring an end to send, this is partially realized on planet earth and fully realized in heaven. Therefore, it is necessary to conclude, as we will see that the kingdom of God is partially realized on planet earth and fully (as well as materially) realized in heaven. A misunderstanding of this concept will develop bizarre and strange beliefs—such as the belief of one woman my friend met during the recent recession that the Lord was clearing out the homes of the rich for the poor to finally be able to receive their