The Handbook For Nco's Summary

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Pages: 4

The Handbook for NCO’s

Lt.Col Kenneth W. Estes USMC (RET)

Baron Von Steuben, a Prussian adviser, believed that the traits of a Marine Non-Commissioned Officer can be boiled down to: character, attention to duty, loyalty, command presence, professional skill, and their ability to instruct. The Handbook for NCO’s, written by retired Lt. Col Estes, outlines in great depth what it takes to be a Non-Commissioned Officer of Marines.

This handbook outlines the five main purposes of NCO’s: decentralize command authority to small structures, serve as a link between commanders, provide enlisted advisors, demonstrate that “the road to the top is always open”, and to recognize and reward outstanding military and technical skill. These Marines are essential to leading, training, and allowing good Marines to get ahead and to
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Mainly because my mentor has instilled in me a desire to learn since I was a young poolee. In my opinion, her encouraging me to be a “sponge” with everything whether it’s related to my job or not, has changed who I am as a Marine. I often find myself wanting to know more, wanting to learn more- education and training doesn’t stop. I think having a desire to learn is a VERY important trait to have in this institution. A Marine who has a desire to learn has a desire to better themselves, which will allow them to influence other Marines and promote mission accomplishment, which is what the Marine Corps is all about. This book taught me a lot about teaching Marines, how to keep their attention, how to use training aids and how to speak effectively. I learned that being prepared is the key to whether or not what you’re teaching will be successful. I was introduced the concept of “Explain, demonstrate, apply, then if applicable, examine and critique”. Which is good to know for when I am in a position that I am teaching