The Holocaust: Raoul Wallenberg

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Pages: 7

During the Holocaust, many people stared blindly at the horrors that the Jewish people faced. For people that were not directly affected by the Holocaust it was an easy task to put the Jews and other people persecuted by the Nazi party out of mind. Although much of the world looked on as the Jewish people were steadily being annihilated, certain people took action. After meeting Jews fleeing from the terror of the Nazi reign, Raoul Wallenberg was inspired to do as much as he could to save as many people as he could.
Raoul Wallenberg was born August 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden on the Island of Lidingö. Raoul was the only child of Raoul Oscar Wallenberg, a naval officer, and his wife Maj, who was the daughter of a famous neurology professor.
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He even marched along with them handing out as many passports as he could, then threatening and bribing the guard and officers to let the Jews with passports leave with him. When Adolf Eichmann’s killers loaded Jews into trains, Raoul would run along the roof of the cars dropping in wads of passports to the people inside. It has been said that the guards that were ordered to shoot him were so impressed with his courage that they aimed high on purpose when they shot, enabling Raoul to jump down and demand the release of the Jews with the passports. Some people say 30,000 Jews were saved by Raoul Wallenberg while others say it was greater than 100,000, either way a great number of people owe their lives to this brave …show more content…
This information was not trusted however, because Soviet prisoners that were imprisoned after 1947 reported that Raoul was still there throughout the 1950s but the Soviets denied it. In the year 2000 when news surfaced that Wallenberg had been executed, the Soviets continued to say that he died of a heart attack. On January 12, 2001, a report was released that did not reveal Raoul’s fate but did state that the reason he was imprisoned was that he was believed to be an American spy. Raoul Wallenberg was an outstanding man who, in a time of crisis came to the rescue of so many people. Through means of fake passports, establishing houses in the name of Sweden, and blackmailing, bribing, and threating government officials and military leaders. Without his work many more people would have died than already had. Despite disappearing and dying in a soviet prison, Raoul Wallenberg has gone down in history as one of the most prominent Hero’s in Holocaust