The Professor finds little mathematical connections between the simplest of things that he and the Housekeeper have, ultimately drawing their lives closer and more profoundly together.
The Professor’s discovery that the numbers that connect the Housekeeper’s birthday with the number on the Professor’s watch are called “‘amicable numbers,’ and they’re extremely rare. Fermat and Descartes were only able to find one pair each. They’re linked to each other by some divine scheme, and how incredible that your birthday and this number on my watch should be just such a pair” (Ogawa 19).
When the Professor goes to a baseball game with the Housekeeper and her son, the Professor and her son sit it seat numbers 714 and 715, respectively. The Professor instantly finds a connection between these two numbers; He says “‘A pair of consecutive whole numbers with these properties is quite rare. There are only 26 such pairs up to 20,000’” (Ogawa