The Ideas Of FFA

Submitted By 123456789asdf12
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Pages: 11

New Ideas • Plant a community garden • Kick-off a farmer’s market you can hold regularly • Come up with an FFA slogan for your chapter • Visit with local Kiwanis, Rotary and Chamber groups and tell them about FFA • Team up with a collegiate FFA chapter and plan special outreach events • Hold a food drive, clothing drive, shoe drive or collect school supplies for the needy • Bake cookies and take flowers to local nursing homes or a children’s hospital • Write a special song or rap for your FFA chapter • Produce an “I am FFA” video and post it on • Write a “Top Ten Reasons to Join FFA” and act them out for your school (have a video camera)! • Visit schools that don’t have agriculture education programs or FFA chapters • Invite local farmers, extension officers, ag scientists, etc. and have them speak about their careers • Have a “Farm Hand Auction” and allow local businesses, town organizations or farmers to bid on
FFA members to come work for them for a day

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • FFA Week Scavenger Hunt: come up with an awesome game for teachers and students to participate in and win prizes. It could be for one day or the whole week. Get creative and educational with your clues. Two words…Cornhole Tournament! Be official! What better way to make your mark than to wear Official Dress or Official Casual as much as you can during National FFA Week. Blue and Gold Day! FFA members wear official dress and the rest of the school can wear blue and gold. Other dress up days: pick a theme or a style of dress and schedule special days for the whole week. Give out prizes too! Invite non-members to participate in interactive FFA Week activities. Have an FFA member paired up with non-members. Stand at the school entrances and give away FFA pens, mints or other items. In Official Dress or wearing FFA clothing, help serve the meals in the school cafeteria. In Official Dress or wearing FFA clothing, greet students as they get on the bus one morning. Create a special exhibit displaying the history of the blue corduroy jacket. Participate in special FFA events that may be scheduled through your state association. Announce the weekly activities on your school announcements during school. Hold a special assembly in the gym! Play games, throw shirts and give officers the opportunity to speak. Showcase how FFA members win awards and receive scholarships. How about a blue jacket fashion show? Have fun with it and bring out members in official dress. Their clothing descriptions could be exaggerated, yet exactly the same over and over!

Did you come up with cool ideas of your own? TELL US! Send an email to

• • • • • • • • • Toss FFA T-shirts into the crowd at a school basketball game and have an announcement read over the public address system. Create a fun video showing FFA activities and play it on your in-house TV system. Invite non-members to sit in on an FFA meeting. Invite prospective 8th graders for pizza and a movie. Host an interactive activity for FFA members and non-members (a dance, bowling, pizza party or movie night). Hold a coloring contest at the elementary schools using an ag-related picture. Host a children’s barnyard for elementary students. Get everyone involved! Take picture of teachers wearing FFA merchandise like hats and T-shirts. Not just ag teachers, but all teachers and school staff! Take them before and publish them in the school newspaper, or take them during FFA Week and post them throughout the school. Ag Olympics! Make up your own events based on your school’s interests and resources (sack races, roping contests, etc).

Community Service/Environmental Awareness
Get approval to have a recycling day at school. Students, teachers and others in the community bring their recyclable items to the school. FFA members sort and deliver the items to a recycling facility. Promote in advance and add in some