The Importance Of Executive Order In The United States

Words: 658
Pages: 3

In my paper I focus on if the president can issue an executive order that can change a federal statute which are laws passed by congress. An executive order is something that is directed mainly towards federal officer and government officials but can have the same authority as a law but not an actual statute which is passed by congress a good example of federal law would be the legal drinking age is twenty-one. An example of an executive order could be one of the most recent executive order from President Trump was the travel ban which was a security measure for homeland security that banned people from specific countries to travel to the United States, but it was overturned by congress. With that being said this order was applied to travel agencies so that they could screen out the people coming from these specific countries but most importantly the order was guideline on how they should carry out their job. This topic is important because if an executive order can change statute this goes against the constitution which gives each branch their specific powers and what keeps them separate. The way I will go about finding out if executive orders can change statue I will be looking at the constitution and explaining the powers of different branches and sources explaining what executive order is and they work. In my research I learned that an …show more content…
There is no where in the constitution that allows the president to create laws however through out history many presidents have used this power to pass executive orders, but the constitution is silent on this power. Some might argue that executive orders fall under the fact that the president must faithfully execute the laws. With all this being said the even though the president can create an executive order, but they are not