The Importance Of Gun Control Laws In America

Words: 1886
Pages: 8

Having more gun control and Banning different kinds of guns are not gonna solve the problems in America. We need more open gun policies so that criminals and bad guys are scared to commit crimes because they know the consequences will be death or jail and they won't be able to get away with it. This is important to me not only because I want to feel safe, especially in my own house, but because I use my guns a lot and they are a great tool. As any other tool, however they can be used wrong, Many people blame guns for killing but nobody blames forks for obesity. This is just one example of why I believe many Americans misunderstand what they are saying and need someone to teach them in a good way and not condescending. Talking about anything political or controversial …show more content…
They don’t argue; they don’t marshal facts; they don’t state their case, whatever it may be, logically. Instead, they try to bully those who disagree with them.” Its really difficult to be nice and teach someone when they just want to shut you down. I recently had a conversation with a girl that said all guns should be banned. I went about it like I wasn't mad at all but deep down I was thinking how much I want to tear into a conversation with very violent words. However I just asked her if she's ever been around guns at all. She said her dad has all kinds of guns, but she doesn't speak to him very much so she's never really been around them. Instead of trying to belittle her I told her the advantages of having guns in her house and kind of explained my mindset. I started out telling her that the average reaction time for a police officer to be at your house is seven minutes, which is a very long time when someone bigger than you is trying to overpower you and kill you. If you can't protect yourself, you will either end up dead, beat or get a lot of things stolen. I don't want any of that to happen to me so I choose to be armed and