The Importance Of Human Trafficking In The United States

Words: 798
Pages: 4

Human trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, moving, or obtaining a person by the means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude, debt bondage, slavery, or sexual exploitation (Shields). The victims of human trafficking face the injustice of being understudied or even recognized as victims being denied basic human rights. The group facing significant injustice are boys and men who are victims of sex trafficking. There is little research even recognizing them as a group of victims. The importance of studying boys and men as victims of sex trafficking is because it is a vastly uncharted branch of human trafficking. When studying human trafficking most sources conclude that sex trafficking victimizes more girls and women than
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The world’s governments and non-governmental organizations provide for more aid in combatting the victimization of women and girls. The human trafficking center reported that only 2 percent of sex trafficking victims are male. Nearly half a million victims are being completely overlooked because of their gender (Greve, 2014). The victimization of boys and men is just as detrimental to society as girls and women but the efforts of victim rehabilitation and anti-trafficking are not equally distributed. The social stigma behind boys and men reporting their own victimization make it more difficult to locate and help the male victims of sex trafficking. In addition, the people and organizations aiding in the efforts to help victims are usually not looking for the 2 percent of male victims that exist around the world (Decsaedmonton, 2017). Fortunately, there is evidence of recognition. For example, Urban Light in Thailand is an organization that has provided aid and support to more than 4,000 boys since