The Evil Queen appears in the Disney film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This film is Walt Disney's first film in creating the Disney princesses. The Evil Queen is the stepmother of the princess, Snow White. Snow White’s beauty is the reason why the Evil Queen is maleficent, for she wants to be the only beautiful woman. In an online blog, Juneau states what the Evil Queen’s motivation is, “Madness and jealousy, brought on by …show more content…
Jafar is one of the main characters in, Aladdin, also a disney film. Jafar has one thing in mind, power. It is all he wants, it is not very clear on why he wants all the power. Juneau explains why Jafar is malicious, it is because he wants power, he will shame anyone who denies him this power (1). Jafar wants the lamp because of the wishes, he wants to wish for power. Jafar does not really hurt anyone physically, although, he hurts people mentally and emotionally. This may not sound evil at all,but it does hurt someone emotionally. Jafar makes people think they are lower than him, he makes them think that they are nothing. Jafar does have a plan, it is to get the lamp. Jasmine and Aladdin are the two main characters who contain the lamp. Jafar tries to steal it from them for his own use, he does not accomplish this plan. Jafar is a man who loves power, and will bring down anyone who questions his