The Influence Of Bigfoot In Photography

Words: 446
Pages: 2

I also was able to capture numerous Bigfoot on trial cameras. I discovered early during my research that the Bigfoot possessed the ability to sense and locate trail cameras immediately. This is major obstacle for those who think the Bigfoot is merely a “Smart Ape.” The evidence I have collected, over the last six years, demonstrates that the Bigfoot can detect trail cameras regardless of how well hidden. I think this ability is a combination of three factors:

• The Bigfoot actually seeing the investigator place the camera.
• The capability to sense the technology.
• The visual acuity to see into the infrared light spectrum.

Upon the initial placing of a trail camera in an area, my research found, the Bigfoot would immediately locate it, investigate it, and then when satisfied, would avoid or disable the camera. The Bigfoot also used the cameras to further their campaign of deceit. During one video capture, a Bigfoot actually licked the video camera. To many researchers this seemed ludicrous, but interestingly, this type of behavior was duplicated in Washington State. The Olympic Project, which has placed dozens of game cameras in the wilderness in an effort to capture a Bigfoot on camera, has experienced the same behavior concerning a Bigfoot licking the trail cameras.
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Please note the camera is mounted nine feet off the ground. The nose of the Bigfoot can be viewed in frame number three. The hair is failing down over the forehead and eyes during these six frames. Is this an attempt to follow the rules and hide its face from the