Roads played a big role in the movement of food, clothing, and necessary items for everyday life. Roads allowed people to take their carts across farmland to to deliver their products to their buyers. The carts were pulled usually by horse or oxen, so the industrialization of roads made it much easier on the animals as long as the producers. Without roads today transportation would be almost impossible. Roads now cover the whole world making it so someone can get anywhere with ease. The greatest achievements during the era of common man that are also used today are the invention of the steamboat, and the railroad trains. The steamboat made it so that instead of taking months to deliver food to someone who would most likely go bad by the time they get there, they could now deliver it in a day or at the most a week. The train also was similar to the steamboat because of this factor, making them the two best mode of shipment. The steamboat would travel a longer path around large areas of land but would still get there much faster than a farmer riding in his wagon with his oxen pulling it. The train also created jobs for many people but mostly for the foreigns, the U.S. brought in many foreign people including many Chinese to build the …show more content…
The presidential election of 1824 was a close race between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. The election was won by John Quincy Adams and was decided by the House of Representatives on February 9, 1825. The election of 1824 doesn’t closely compare with today’s elections because of many factors. Today’s elections are very largely affected by social media and false rumors that could ruin a candidate's chances with one tweet or post. For example, this year the two most popular candidates were Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump was seen as a rapist who mistreated woman and sexually assaulted them. He also was mocked for his idea to build a wall to not let the mexicans into our country and that made him look very racist. Hillary Clinton was seen as liar and someone that the country couldn’t trust. The biggest thing that made it so people couldn’t trust Hillary was she had many emails that were deleted involving government and business issues. Relating back to the election of 1824 though, the election was not affected by rumors or social issues as largely. There was still some issues involving rumors but in order to spread a rumor or a statement it would take weeks or months to get the news out. There was no social media people could post on to affect the outcome of the election of