"The Jade Peony" is a story that shows the important and great bonds of grandmas and their grandchildren. In the story, Grandmama is fearless of death. Grandmama is not bothered by the fact that her body is in a fighting battle with death: "That is my body fighting with death. He is in the room now...." (Choy 222). Grandmama is telling Sek- Lung that she is fighting with death and that death is in the room, but she remains calm and undisturbed while Sek- Lung's father shall do after her death: "Your father will then take the center braided strand ... (Choy 223). Grandmama is telling Sek- Lung that after her death, his father will raise the crime and hang it against her bedroom window so that her ghost may see it, hear it, and return. Finally,