To begin with, right after Amir wins the kite tournament, Hassan immediately runs to get the winning kite for Amir. Hassan states, “For you, a thousand time over!” (71). Here, Hassan clearly demonstrates his loyalty when he states he would go to great lengths in order to please Amir. After this, Assef runs into Hassan and demands for the kite Hassan caught, “‘Amir agha and I are friends,’ Hassan said. He looked flushed. ‘Friends?’ Assef said, laughing. ‘You pathetic fool! Someday you’ll wake up from your little fantasy and learn just how good of a friend he is. Now, bas! Enough of this. Give us your kite’” (77). Here, Hassan defends Amir which shows he is loyal in trying to bring back the kite. In addition, Assef teases Hassan in order to make him give up the kite but he refuses to do this as he promised Amir the kite, “Hassan knew that he was going to be hurt or killed if he did not give up the winning kite, but he did not want to let his friend down. Hassan suffered for Amir, and Amir did not even stop to help. Amir will suffer with his neglecting of his friend for the rest of his life” (Duet 2). Here, Duet explains that Hassan is willing to risk his life for Amir in order to keep his promise. Hassan’s motivation to sacrifice Amir affects himself as he is beaten and sexually assaulted by