Moreover, Jackson’s depiction of The Lottery’s change in purpose is also very present in modern holidays and traditions, one of which is Halloween. According to Damira Pon, Halloween, in its earliest traces, was celebrated in the Celtic culture as a sort of New Year’s tradition, where the “souls of the deceased would be available” (Damira, 1). The Celtics would light fires and perform dances in order to keep the deceased people’s souls away from the crops and their homes (Damira, 1). But, over time, the tradition became more diluted after several generations had been celebrating it, and also due to the Romans conquering the Celtics. In addition, after the Irish, the former Celtics, came to the Americas, the Halloween lost most of its original meaning and purpose. Today, most of America blindly celebrates the holiday without thinking of its original significance in regards to the dead souls’ being resurrected. Halloween, much like the ritual in, “The Lottery,” has lost touch with its original purpose and meaning due to the passage of time, the mindless adherence to the tradition, and through geographical and generational