Which taught us that if we say the wrong things, a fictitious man's life ends. But what if I told you that we were still playing? What if I told you that every interaction with any given human is like hangman, in where your words and actions are submitted like letters. See, in the game you can keep guessing, letter after letter, paper after paper, hanged man after hanged man until you finally got it right until you finally won. But if the man in hangman was actually real, wouldn't you be more inclined to think before you spoke? We so carelessly litter our minds with hateful word, hateful speech that we forget that we're not dealing with a stick figure. And maybe it's easier to hate, maybe it's easier to focus on the lives of others, because the answers to the questions like "how tight is the noose around my neck?", "how many letters do I still have?", "Is anybody even trying to get me down from here?", "Is anybody even trying to win my game?", "Is anybody even trying to save me?". Are too scary for us to face, let alone know the answer to. And only when we get it right does the person not get hanged, however, we never draw the person coming down.. we just crumple up the paper and start all over again. …show more content…
Our actions can not be erased, and we only get one sheet of paper. So ask yourself, which words are going to solve the puzzle and which words are you gonna let tighten the noose. Just keep in mind, each interaction is like a game of hangman, and you never know when your hurtful words could be their last