In The Outsiders, Johnny, a character in the novel, is bullied and abused by his parents. They never care where he is, how long he is out, and if he's injured. In the text his mom states, “But I have the right to see him. He's my son. After all the trouble his father and I've gone to raise him, this is our reward! He'd rather see those nocount hoodlums than his own folks.” (Hinton, 123). In The Misfits, the gang of five, which of Addie, a tall intelligent girl, and three boys who go by the names of Skeezie, who has a fashion sense similar to Elvis and a 50s gangster, Joe who is gay, and the narrator, Bobby, who is fat. Because of these traits, they are discriminated and called names such as Fat Boy, Twinkletoes, Freak, and Godzilla. Characters in both novels, they both have different types of bullying. Johnny’s parents don’t verbally or physically abuse him, they just simply ignore him, and never care. However, in The Misfits, the bullies care to much. They care about everything like height, weight, and whether you’re gay or straight. To conclude, and overall social inequality in both novels is