Cathy Davidson, who occupies two distinguished faculty chairs at Duke University, conducts the iPod experiment at Duke to make her point of “not requiring students to always forward, learn from on high memorize what was already a given, or accept knowledge as something predetermined and passively absorbed” (54) about a new learning model. According to Johnson's description of "sense of complexity as a self-organizing system" (199), complexity is closely associated with organization and thus decentralization. The idea of decentralization alters accordingly in various situations. However, for most occasions, seeming chaos and apparent anarchy would provide multiple outcomes to organizations regarding complexity and also some other benefits. The process of self-organizing might seem chaotic and it sometimes lead to possibly desirable yet complex outcomes. In Johnson description of Manchester City in his article, the city is describes as "complex because it overwhelms, yes, but also because it has a coherent personality, a personality that self-organizes out of millions of individual decisions, a global order built out of local interactions" (199). The word "coherent" points out