The National Anthem: An Argument's Value System

Words: 568
Pages: 3

Where do you find yourself in this debate? Which argument’s value system that you created seems more attractive to you? In this debate, I find myself standing during the National Anthem. The argument’s value system for standing during the National Anthem is more attractive to me because I have always been raised to honor those that sacrificed their lives for this country. I have been taught to understand that the freedom and life I have today are because of others’ courageous actions.

Are there any factors about your life experiences or upbringing that have influenced you in this debate?
One factor that influenced me in this debate was my great grandpa. He served for the country during World War ll. My family and I were always very appreciative of his service because he risked his life for us and everyone else living in the United States. His sacrifice allows for my freedom today. Another factor that influenced me was my family. In my family, we respect the flag because it is a symbol of perseverance and justice. My family and I have always stood for the flag, and we continue to today. Finally, sporting events influenced me in this debate because every sporting event I had ever gone to played the National Anthem. The National Anthem played in order to remind all the athletes and spectators
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This value isn’t enough for me to agree with the opposing side because although I understand that freedom of expression is a right that all are entitled to, freedom of expression wouldn’t be present without the sacrifice of those that fought. Freedom of expression is now used against the flag despite the fact that the flag gives us that right. Those that served fought for the freedoms of this country, and without their service, we may have never gotten the freedoms we so easily take for granted. Thanks to their service, we have the ability to speak freely and I believe we should honor that