We know it is indirect characterization because of how we learn more about Cassie through her speech and actions, rather than the author just telling us about her character. Cassie is a hardworking girl who doesn't like things just handed to her. We learn this because the author says, “I got this job on my own, you don't have to get it for me.” We also learn Cassie is smart and learns quickly, we know this because her trainers at the FBI say, “Cassie you are ready for the cold cases earlier than others owuld be, head on down to the library and grab them.” I believe the theme of the book The Naturals is that sometimes what you’re looking for can be right in front of you because of how close Cassie was to the killer the whole time she was searching. The protagonist learns that not everyone who seems trustworthy actually is trustworthy. Summer thought agent Locke was someone she could look up to and trust for help, but it ended up that she was murdering the people they were