The third circle of Dante’s Hell is where the gluttonous are punished. The gluttonous are people who are excessively greedy. Their punishment for being gluttonous is to lie in the mire, under a continual and heavy storm of hail, snow, and discolored water. All this while Cerberus barking over them with his threefold throat. I believe that this punishment is quite just. The reason I believe this is because while greed is a sin, and will result in eternity in Hell, it is not the worst kind of sin. Therefore it does not have the most detrimental punishment.
Dante’s seventh circle is one that has liars and violence in it which then divides in to smaller sections of murders and tyrants. The third section is separated between three types of violence. These three violence are violence’s against God, against nature, and against Art. The ones who are deemed guilty of these sins are punished with flakes of fire which are eternally showered down upon them. Usurers are found in the third zone, which are the violence against art and nature. I believe that these punishments are completely just, based on the fact that if you commit violence on God, he shall be able to deem personally whatever punishment he sees fit, based on the fact