The movie finally starts when the gang walk into the movie theater and get seated. It does not show the scene where Johnny gets jumped by the Socs, but it does mention how Johnny recognizes Bob because of the rings on his hands. The part in the movie where the little girl at Dairy Queens came up to Dally to ask if he had fifteen cents and Dally had to quickly put away his gun was not in the book. The director specifically added it to create more suspense in that part of the movie. During the rumble, a Soc starts the fight instead of Darry starting it. The movie ends with Dally dying and Ponyboy continuing on his essay. In general, Dally was more emotional than he was in the book and the movie was faster paced since the director took out some scenes. Some people may argue that the movie was better than the book because it got right to the point instead of having some boring scenes where there was not much action and suspense. Though it is a valid point, the details is what makes the story so interesting. The movie took out a lot of the details which made it dull and