As an added bonus, it is often easier to find the generic version of Cerefolin NAC. Many pharmacies don't keep a high stock of the more expensive product because so few people are able to pay for it because of its high out-of-pocket price.
What is the Cerefolin NAC Alternative?
Those who are looking for a Cerefolin NAC alternative have some different options to choose from. They can choose one of the generic versions of it, but these usually have the exact same side effects. Or they can purchase Cerefolin NAC vs Deplin. Cerefolin NAC vs Deplin has many of the same Cerefolin NAC uses as Cerefolin NAC does, but it costs less. …show more content…
The company who makes Cerefolin NAC claims that their product is better than a multivitamin because it has pre-metabolized folate in it.
But there has been no research done that shows that Cerefolin NAC is any different than the combination of products that are sold in most health food stores. In fact, those who have tried this method not only save a significant amount of cash, but they often feel many of the same benefits. The best results are achieved when NAC is included in with the folate and B vitamins though.
What are the Directions for Taking Cerefolin