This session was held in order to redraw the districts; this wasn't the outcome. The House and the Senate could not come together and there was not progress ding made on the redrawing. This issue was then taken to the United States Supreme Court for a redrawing to be made. In 2004 there was a case Vieth v. Jubelirer, about Pennsylvania. They lost two representatives which resulted in a redrawing. Pennsylvania had the Republican majority and was redrawn to favor Republicans over Democrats. Vieth was a Pennsylvania resident and was also a democrat (Vieth). He argued that the redrawing was unconstitutional, but was denied by a lower court. Overall, in my opinion, I feel as though gerrymandering should be unconstitutional. It is definitely not fair to those party's who are not the majority just because they didn't get to draw their districts the way they intended. I believe that the United States Supreme Court should be involved by