The Pros And Cons Of Government Fracking

Words: 425
Pages: 2

Government Fracking

Introduction: High, intensive, power-packed injection of combination of gallons of water, tons of sand and load of other chemicals (toxins?) in order to facilitate and ease release shale gas from the bowels of earth is called fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, and as the latter term suggests, involves breaking down rocks in order to release its methane contents and thus, facilitate shale gas extractions very deep inside earth, which cannot be done effectively through other methods.
Arguments: This study involves critique of two excellent articles on the subject of fracking- first, namely ‘The Guardian’ article by Adam Vaughan titled “Why is fracking bad? You asked Google- here’s the answer” and second, BBC Article titled “What is fracking and why is it controversial?”
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But it falls short of arguing why, despite such popularity for fracking in the US, this controversial technique has not been implemented in the United Kingdom, perhaps due to the fact that the UK is not as much dependent on shale gas as is the United States. The second article does not go deep into the controversial aspects surrounding fracking, especially reasons for its perceived nexus with earth tremors, water, air and environmental pollution and most of all, how release of toxic chemicals, especially of the likes of methane could cause major health hazards to nearby human