no one except the doctors on pharmacists have the complete knowledge of medical situations, either way of healing or what can have a bad effect on a patient , non can have the full examination that allows you to take a specific drug except in a medical place. I agree with what DR. Robert Centor when he said: “Restrictions on commercial speech exist when the outcome of the speech can be harmful to the public. The Federal Communications Commission no longer allows tobacco ads to appear on TV. Following the same logic, prescription-drug ads should be taken off the air.” (Centor, 2010). Should Prescription Drugs be directly advertised to consumers? Do pharmaceutical companies have enough knowledge to prescribe a certain drug for patients? The only goal of a producing company is to sell the production they are making, no matter how it's affecting the consumers. Arguing with doctors, knowing the positive side only, and paying a lot of money is the strategy pharmaceutical companies are willing their consumer to