I. Introduction
Psychology defines arousal as being alert, physically and mentally. The most prominent body system involved is the human brain, which contributes to alertness and the readiness to move. Their are different signs of arousal but the most common are, blood pressure, heart rate and quick responses. Arousal allows people to seek the required needs to live and some people seek to gain beyond what they require. The different levels of arousal, allow people to seek and set different goals. Some people who seek to go above and beyond what is required for a normal life is athletes. Yerkes and Dodson law (1908) predicts that there is an inverted U shaped function between arousal and performance, but their studies have not yet been fully established. The goal of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of arousal when it pertains to athletic performance.
II. Literature Review …show more content…
Jill Mateo (2007), Assistant Professor in Comparative Human Development, said that modest levels of cortisol are apparently linked to the survival of the squirrels. The inverted U, similar to Yerkes-Dodson's law, is the shape data forms on a chart (Broadhurst, 1959; Duffy, 1962, 1972; Yerkes & Dodson, 1908) . Animals with low levels of cortisol are at the left of the inverted U, and those with high levels are at the right, while those with modest levels and higher learning are in the middle (as shown on the chart