Critical thinking is uncovered bias and prejudice thinking, it reveals the truth and the long term consequences because of it. There are many steps in the critical thinking process that aid in how break down, process, store, and make decisions about information. The first step in the critical thinking process is remembering. You want to be able to ask yourself can you remember terms, facts, ideas, or events. The second step is understanding. You want to be able to explain the idea in your own words and point of view. The third step is applying. You want to be able to ask yourself can you use this idea to get the results that you want. The fourth step is analyzing. You want to be able to divide your idea into sublevels of parts or ideas. The fifth step is evaluating. You want to be able to ask yourself can you rate the validity of this idea. The sixth and final step is creating. You want to be able to ask yourself can you invent new ideas based from this idea. To summarize my blind spot from the Ethical Lens Inventory, I would have to say Results Lens. I do use my feelings and intuition to determine the choices that I should make to contribute to my happiness, but I don’t think about anyone else being happy, just myself. I seen from the Ethical Lens Inventory that ,that type of thinking is not totally correct. I should operate for the total happiness of everyone around me. I prefer to have Rights and Responsibilities Lens and that’s what I graded when I took the inventory. I would like to elaborate on how my personal ethics influences my decision making. I grew up learning to do right, to be right, and know the difference between doing right and wrong. When it comes down to decision making, I want to make the best decision that is going to be beneficial in the long run. I think about is there going to be detrimental benefits or consequences in doing the right thing or the wrong thing, and I prefer to do what is right and make righteous decisions. Ethics apply to professional responsibilities in the way of that, giving an example, a judge has the moral right to make