Eysenck stated that extraverts need more stimulation (e.g. engaging, loud, exciting situations) for optimal performance, whereas introverts require minimal stimulation (e.g. quiet isolation). Does the extravert’s reliance on constant activity mean that they will underestimate a period of time if they are not in a stimulating situation? Will introverts appreciate the lack of stimulation and overestimate that same period of time? H1 was that there would be a negative correlation between extraversion and time estimation (one-tailed test). 49 subjects were given an EPQ-R-s questionnaire to complete, to determine their EPQ-E (extraversion) score. They …show more content…
Lysaker et al (1998) found that extraversion correlated negatively with quality of work.
This study is correlation, incorporating a survey, and as such is not deemed an experiment. The variables are as follows:
1. Extraversion, measured by the EPQ-E scale from 0 (very introvert) to 12 (very extrovert).
2. Time perception, measured in seconds.
A correlational design is applied, due to the fact that two variables (outlined above) are being compared.
n = 49
A sample of students of at least 18 years of age participated, with a significant proportion of mature students. Participants (Ps) were selected by opportunity sampling of a first year undergraduate class at TVU.
Materials required are Eysenck’s (1985) short-scale revised personality questionnaire (EPQ-R-s) consisting of 48 yes/no questions to determine four dimensions of personality, extraversion being the trait of focus for this study. In addition, stopwatches will time Ps during assessment of their time perception.
1. Ps are each given an EPQ-R to complete, and informed that their results will be confidential. Ergo they must answer honestly and without fear of retribution.
2. Once all Ps have completed their questionnaire, they are instructed to calculate their level of extraversion according to a scale of 0 to 12 devised by Eysenck (the EPQ-E score).
3. Ps will then be required to