The Relationship Between Religious Preference And Educational Attainment

Submitted By sleepspent
Words: 525
Pages: 3

Selig Chong

The three sets of variables are tested based on a two sample test, a chi-square test, and ANOVA. For the two sample t-test I am testing the null hypothesis that men and women have the same number of family generations in household. Secondly, I am using a chi-square method to find the relationship political party and having a rifle at home. The third and final set of variables that I will test will be the ANOVA in which I will examine the relationship between religious preference and educational attainment.
Group Statistics

Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean


For the first set of variable, we are using a two sample t-test. According to the outcome data, 1.53-1.43=.10, we see that woman slightly have more number of family generations in household than males. Now I have to see which results is necessary to use. This depends on the result from the Levene’s test for Equity of Variance. Since the p-value under this test for equality of variance is .417, I can assume that the variance of the two sex groups are the same. If the p-value of Levene’s test is less than the alpha .05, I need to use the unequal variance outcome. Since the p-value under Sig. (2-tail) is .006, I reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a difference between the mean score of male and woman at 5% significant level. The measurement of association are nominal. The Pearson chi-square has value of 35.917 with a degree of freedom of 14. The significance of this chi-square is to be .001. The measurement of association are nominal variables. Eight cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .54. The interpretation is that political party affiliation and having a rifle at home are related.

My third analysis I am using education as the independent variable at what religious preference. The research hypothesis proposes that at least one of the means is different in order to predict that a difference