I, however, disagree and believe the struggle to be within one’s own morality – that a truly just man would endure. If a man’s integrity can be shaken by something as simple as anonymity, his righteousness was not true nor his deepest desires altruistic in the first place. There is a great fortitude in disregarding the opinions of others, and all the better if one’s actions are just. When faced with accusations and outer opinions, no matter how lurid they may be, I believe it is most important to be true to oneself. Briefly, I applied myself to the philosophy to better understand Plato’s concept of inherent human selfishness, but even a mere glimpse of being in accordance with Plato’s allegory of the Ring of Gyges repulsed me. Now, having the Ring of Gyges for 24 hours, I will remain just in my actions so in the future, I can find peaceful solace in my times of