onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki. President Harry S. Truman of the United States is the man behind this decision in which changed the world forever. The decision to drop the two atomic bombs onto the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a decision that not only had direct effects on ending the war in the Pacific during World War II, but still has lasting effects to this day. It still stands today as the only use of nuclear weapons in a war. As the war in Europe ended the Allies planned a costly…
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actions since 1900 were the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan. On March 12, 1947, an address to Congress, President Harry S. Truman declared it to be the foreign policy which was for the United States to assist any country whose stability was threatened by communism. His initial request was specifically for $400 million to assist both Greece & Turkey, which Congress approved. The Truman Doctrine was followed by the Marshall Plan later that year. When Harry Truman became president, on the death…
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Harry S. Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884, the son of John Anderson Truman and Martha Ellen Truman. Truman soon had a little brother named Vivian and a little sister Mary Jane. The family moved several times during Truman's childhood first during 1887, they lived on farm near Grandview, then, in 1890, to Independence, and finally, in 1902, to Kansas City. Young Harry attended public schools in Independence, graduating from high school in 1901. After leaving school, he worked briefly…
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Harry S. Truman was born in Missouri on May 8, 1884.Truman was the first of three children born to John Anderson Truman, a farmer and mule trader, and his wife, Martha Ellen Truman. Harry was named in honor of his maternal uncle, Harrison Young, but his parents couldn’t decide on a middle name. After more than a month, they settled on simply using the letter “S” as a tribute to both his maternal grandfather, Solomon Young, and his paternal grandfather, Anderson Shipp Truman.Truman grew up on the…
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4/14/14 History Tuskegee Airman Throughout the course of history, there were plenty events and different ethnic groups that played an important role in World War II. One ethnic group that was part of World War II was the Tuskegee Airman. The Tuskegee Airman was the first African Americans to be trained as pilots in the U.S Army Air Force in World War II. The first class was held in 1941 in Tuskegee and became the 99th Pursuit Squadron ordered by Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Colonel…
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the Patriot Act. Both similar in some ways, but also very different they both play an important role in the shaping of America. What are these two documents, and how do they help? The National Security Council Paper 68, or NSC-68, would first introduced in the 1950’s. This document was handed to President Harry S Truman. Truman had requested the document to reevaluate and review of America’s Cold War diplomacy strategy. In result a group of members from the Defense Department, the State Department…
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everything about American society is affected by World War II: our feelings about race; our feelings about gender and the empowerment of women, moving women into the workplace; our feelings about our role in the world. All of that comes in a very direct way out of World War II." The wise words of Rick Atkinson, an author who won a Pulitzer Prize for history, gives an interesting perspective to the results of World War 2. Naturally the simple idea of war give off a negative conotation, however, Atkinson’s…
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August 5th, 1945 marked the day the world was changed forever when thousands of lives were taken in a scorching blink of an eye. Deep into what seemed a perpetual World War II, the Japanese city of Hiroshima was the first example of the new US technology, the atomic bomb, that could kill thousands more easily than ever. Carried out by the Enola Gay, the bomb ironically nicknamed Little Boy decimated an estimated 130,000 citizens and the city of Hiroshima itself. Three days later a second bomb named…
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Turning Point After World War II the two superpowers of the world, the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R, had conflicting political ideology. The Soviet union had cut off eastern berlin from the rest of the west. The U.S.S.R had been trying to spread communism throughout Europe while the U.S.A had been trying to contain it. In 1947, the Cold War had officially begun, the United States foreign policy had a strong impact on America's identity, America's Economy, and America's role in the world. America has been…
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As World War II came to a close, relations between the Soviet Union and United States began to strain, creating a power struggle between the two superpowers. Faced with the responsibility of preserving democracy, President Harry S. Truman resisted Soviet aggression by instituting a policy of containment. Without any knowledge of the inner workings of the USSR, Truman based a significant portion of his policy off of the writings of George F. Kennan, an expert in Russian culture and politics. In this…
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