The Role Of Hermes In Greek Mythology

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Pages: 2

Hermes was the name of the Greek version and Mercury was the Roman version of the god. The Greek god Mercury was the son of Zeus and Maia and the father of of the pastoral god Pan and Eudoros. The Roman god Mercury was the son of jupiter, Mercury name came from the planet jupiter. The symbol for Hermes is the winged sandals, winged helmet, Lyre. The symbol for Mercury are the caduceus a staff with two snakes around it. Hermes/Mercury is the messenger of the gods, he is the bridge to the mortals and the gods. Hermes/Mercury is the god of trade, border crossing and guide to the underworld. He is also the patron and protector of travelers, thieves and orators. Herme’s/Mercury’s abilities was that he was able to enter dreams, guide souls to the underworld and give good luck and fortune. The main story of Hermes/Mercury is that he was born in a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. The father was Zeus, king of all gods and Maia, when dawn came he was born.
Hermes is the great messenger of the gods in Greek mythology and a guide to the Underworld. An Olympian god, he is also the patron of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them,
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He was cared by the nurses, but one day as one of the nurses put Hermes into his crib, he climbed out and ran away. He walked for quite some time until he came across cattle that belong to his brother Apollo. Hermes led the cattle away and hid them throughout the mountains. It was close for the nurses to check on Hermes, he quickly went home to get to his crib. On the way, he found a tortoise shell and made a harp. Apollo discovered what had happened to his cattle and was furious, he went to Maia and told her that Hermes had led his cattle away. Apollo took Hermes to mount Olympus to tell Zeus. Hermes denied everything and was talking fast and well. Zeus found that Hermes was very interested in music. As Hermes grew, he became the messenger of the gods, and the protector of