For example, in a Looney-Tunes episode called "Cat-Tails for Two", the episode starts off with a ginormous cat saying, "Will ya George? Will ya huh George? Will you let me help you catch some mice? Will ya huh George?". The small cat, George, replies, "Alright, alright, alright Benny! But you gotta promise to me you're not going to stupid things like you're always doing!". It turns out that this episode was influenced by Of Mice and Men! Another Looney-Tunes episode has a monologue of a snow monster saying, "Oh look a cute little pink bunny rabbit. Just what I always wanted! I will name him George and I will hug him and squeeze him and hug him!". This also turns out to be an allusion of Of Mice and Men. I had no idea how much this book influenced other cartoons I grew up