The Rosetta Stone: The Egyptian God Of Eternity

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Pages: 7

A very long time ago

1. Statues, buildings, hieroglyphic symbols, and paintings on cave walls were evidence of spirituality in humanity because there was no paper.
Marvelous paintings of animals on cavern walls in Altamira, Spain and Lascaux, France date back to 30,000BCE. The purpose of the paintings could have been in hope to promote plentiful hunting, to teach ways of hunting, or to tell stories by flickering firelight deep inside the caves.
Mysterious etchings in the desert Nazca plains of Peru date to 1CE or before; they are forty square miles of animals, insects, flora and geometric patterns, some miles long with straight lines. It is unknown how the etchings were made or who made them.

The Rosetta Stone found in Memphis, Egypt contains text dated 196 BCE issued on behalf of King Ptolemy V.
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Hathor was a cow goddess in Egypt by 8,000 BC or 8,000 BCE. Cows were believed to have been domesticated at that time.

In India, cows are considered sacred even in the year 2013 CE. (Current Era). Cows may roam freely and the populations of people exist among the sacred cows.

6. Heh was an Egyptian God of Eternity.

7. An Egyptian creation myth is inscribed in stone by ancient priests of Egypt which say that divine thoughts come into existence by the thought of the heart and the commandment of the tongue. It is the heart that brings forth every issue, and the tongue repeats the thought of the heart. Thus were fashioned all the gods, from Atum, the first diety, whose presence was inscripted from tombs dated 2350 BCE.
Atum brought forth two children, Shu and Tenut. Shu and Tenut united and created twins, Geb and Nut.
Geb was an Egyptian God of the Earth and he lay stretched upon his back, while his twin sister, Nut, showed herself in a bridge of stars in the sky.

8. The Arabian gods that were pre-Islamic were Hubal and Allah. The Arabian goddesses were Allat, Manat, and Al-Uzza who were three daughters of Allah. Artifacts date to 100CE which is the same as 100