But the more time I spend here, the easier it is to see there's something very seductive about what Matsu has created." (31). For most people, gardens are just another piece of decoration with no significant value. With Matsu however, his garden gives him full reign over his creative expression allowing him to take full control on the masterpieces he produces. Giving him a result that only he will understand in its complete self. Home is a place in which we feel the safest, the areas that provide both physical and and emotional safety from the elements that drain us. For Matsu his garden is the one of the only sources of warmth or forgivingness he receives as he blocks his true self away from most others who surround him. Due to the fact that he is almost always identified as closed off, his garden provides a way for him to unwind and let go all of the stress and emotions they may be slowly building up, creating a more open exterior. A garden can be meaningless for some, however for Matsu his garden is his idea of home and it strengthens his identity that he puts