Many people think that part of being an adult is not making mistakes but I disagree. Everyone makes mistakes regardless of age, but being able to acknowledge that you made the mistake and work to try to fix it is a strong sign of growing up. In my opinion, Lily showed the most personal growth when she admitted what she had done. She said, “‘T. Ray… he told me my mother…’ The tears rushed up, and my words came out in high-pitched sounds that I didn’t recognize. ‘He said she left me, that she left both of us and ran away’” (Kidd 238). When she decided to face the consequences for her actions and tell the truth she grew up a lot. Author Roy Bennett once said, “Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses in your life; you realize everything that happens in life is a result of the previous choice you’ve made and start making new choices to change your life” (Bennett). I think that this quote perfectly describes Lily’s transition from lying to telling the