After thinking about my ambitions, I then began to think, what am I doing now that is bringing myself closer to those goals? Reading this chapter led me to decide that rather than just live day-by-day, I should make a plan for myself with these goals in mind. This way, I will have a clear understanding of my destination so that rather than get caught in the busyness of life, I am focused and constantly working toward my goal. Such visualization skills are not only beneficial in thinking long-term about what I want to accomplish in life, but they will also allow me to fulfill specific short-term goals. I hope to use this habit in every project or assignment I set out to do by already acknowledging the end result before I start a project. Then I can plan each step more efficiently for the completion of my goal. I use this technique before speeches. For me giving a speech is the worst thing in the world; I am terrified of it. I speak so fast it is sometimes impossible to be understood. My knee caps shake, my palms get sweaty, and it is generally a terrible experience. However, to ease my nerves I always try to imagine myself giving the speech,