The Seventh Man Analysis

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Pages: 4

Should people really pay for their recovery for their decisions? Even if the incident was an accident or caused by something stupid? People should start taking into consideration that many people get off the hook easily when it comes to being held accountable for one’s actions in a life or death situation. Choices are something people make every day to put themselves in a good or bad situation.The cost to surviving a life or death situation can be a lot, but you have to think of how much money people are using to help you survive. Decisions you make have consequences, such as being held accountable for your actions, when put in a life or death situation. Individual accountability promotes personal responsibility in decision making and can determine …show more content…
For example, in “The Seventh Man”, the author states, “I asked him if I could go outside.” In this example, the author did not think through with his decision making regarding going outside in the middle of a storm. From the beginning of that idea, he did not think of the consequences that would come with his idea. Until the wave came and swept his friend away. He then had to live with the guilt of his decision making, leaving him with the death of his friend. Another example of the text “The Seventh Man”, on page 138 states, “I found myself running the other way- running full speed toward the dyke, a lone.” The author knew that his decision to not turn around and run toward his friend, will later hold the accountability of his friends passing, knowing he will always be stuck with that guilt. In situations like these, you should be held accountable for your actions, knowing it could result in life or death. Making decisions can lead to memories, but memories are not always free of charge. Good or bad memories always have an outcome. Either it is or is not worth it in the …show more content…
With that being said, it's completely unfair for those rescuers to save lives and get nothing in return. This is why I strongly believe that people should be held accountable for their actions in life or death situations. People should be held accountable for their actions in life or death situations, but I can see why under certain circumstances, some situations, some people should not be held accountable. Guilt is one of the few things that you should not be held accountable for in situations where you are not at fault. For instance, in “The Moral Logic of Survival Guilt” Sherman states, “In war, standing here rather than there can save your life but cost a buddy his. It’s flukish luck, but you feel responsible.thoughts that you could have or should have done otherwise, though in fact you did nothing wrong.” In a situation like this one, you should not be held accountable, when it wasn’t necessarily your fault. Many people think it is the right choice to take ownership of something that does not belong to them. For instance, on page 154 it states,”But Bonenberger’s remarks make