Two seemingly unrelated works of contemporary literature, The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt and Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis, take readers into fictional universes where characters struggle with difficult moral and existential questions. The Sisters Brothers follows the journey of Eli and Charlie Sisters, notorious assassins navigating the treacherous landscape of the Old West, while Fifteen Dogs explores the lives of fifteen canines who are granted human intelligence by the gods. Despite their different contexts, both novels delve deeply into themes of morality, identity, and the desire for freedom. Through the experiences of …show more content…
This internal conflict is highlighted as Majnoun contemplates the implications of his actions, questioning the boundaries between human and animal behavior. Majnoun also grapples with self-awareness and his sense of belonging to Nira. "Majnoun knew what she meant - that she was not his master - and he was grateful. But in his heart, he felt as if he did belong to her, in the sense that he was a part of Nira and she a part of him” (Alexis 120). This quote highlights Majnoun’s complex feelings about identity, ownership, and connection. Despite being granted human intelligence, Majnoun still experiences a deep bond with Nira, even though she refuses to treat him as her possession, which is what he is used to. His self-awareness leads him to question his place in the world and the nature of relationships. His experiences force him to confront the complexities of morality from a perspective that transcends traditional human norms. Both Eli and Majnoun’s struggles with moral ambiguity shaped their journeys, leading to significant personal growth and self-discovery. Eli’s journey is one of internal conflict and reluctant acceptance of his violent profession. Despite being a feared assassin, Eli constantly questions