The Smoke Detector: a Protector of Property
Aubrey Clifton
Regent University
Pick a good or service and research its life. Give a reliable estimate on how much value it has provided people and describe how life might be different without that good or service. Be thorough yet concise in your writing. Also, quote portions of your text that deal with this subject, and make sure that you properly cite all quotations. A smoke detector is something that is uniquely valuable to the public. Common Sense Economics states that “Providing others with goods and services that are …show more content…
154-5). It seems the men behind the smoke detector did this; they discovered their product was something new, and something that many people would be tempted to buy due to its low cost and the tremendous gain it could provide. The smoke detector has probably saved a ton of lives since it has been invented. The first version of it came into existence around the turn of the century; it was called a fire alarm instead of a smoke detector, but it worked in a similar way. the fire alarm would go off when it detected excess heat in the area. There were other versions after this fire alarm that were produced, but none so economical and available to the average family until Duane Pearsall took a crack at it. The previous versions of fire alarms/smoke detectors invented had been fairly expensive and hard for the average family to afford, but according to