The clinical question that led to the development of this EBP project is “Does a nurse practitioner (NP) led chemotherapy education given 1 week before chemotherapy administration help to reduce anxiety of patients receiving initial chemotherapy compared to a brief education provided by an oncology nurse on the day of chemotherapy”? The PICOT question to be addressed is: In cancer patients receiving chemotherapy for the first time (P) how does a nurse practitioner (NP) led chemotherapy education one week prior to actual chemotherapy administration (I) compared to a quick review …show more content…
The STAI is chosen for this project as it is most consistently used throughout the literature. The STAI measures state and trait anxiety. State anxiety is how a patient feels “right now” and is measured using the Y-1 form, which consists of 20 statements that patients rate on a likert scale (Garcia, 2014). Qualities of state anxiety include apprehension, tension, nervousness, and worry. Scores on this form increase due to psychological stress. Trait anxiety is how patients generally feel and is measured using 20 statements on the Y-2 form. Each statement is given a score of 1 to 4. Reliability and internal consistency tests have been performed extensively on the STAI since its development in 1964 (Galvan, Martinez, & Martinez, 2013., Julian, …show more content…
Patients were eligible to participate in the project if they were above 18 years of age, newly diagnosed with any type of cancer, no previous diagnosis of anxiety or taking any anxiolytic medications, and is scheduled to receive initial chemotherapy at the infusion center. The project will be explained to the eligible participant by the project manager or chemotherapy coordinator. Participants saying “yes” to the project will be assigned to the intervention group and those saying “No” will be assigned to the control group. Therefore, a self-randomization sampling method will be used for this quasi-experimental study.
How will you ensure confidentiality of study participants?
The project manager will maintain confidentiality throughout the project by securing patient documents and respecting patient privacy. All patient information will be placed in a folder in a secure locked box to protect participants’ privacy. Participants will be assigned a code number so that patient names will not be used on forms. The form containing patient names and code numbers will also be placed in the locked box. The records will be retained for a period of at least 3 years as per federal regulations (Groves, Burns, & Gray, 2013).