The Symbolism Of Color In The Film Vertigo

Words: 353
Pages: 2

I have just seen the movie Vertigo, and me not being the brightest crayon ever was slightly confused. First off, the colors are pretty cool and throughout this whole ordeal of a movie, Hitchcock displayed color beautifully. Color plays with your moods so much sometimes, it’s crazy. It’s very suspenseful, and had quite a bit of plot twist you wouldn’t think off the top of your head.

Vertigo is set in the year 1958, a detective (John Ferguson) goes through a traumatic that leaves him plagued with “Vertigo” (the fear of heights) . “Vertigo” ultimately forces him into retirement, but he obviously misses it. Until one day a old friend Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore) , from college gives him a proposition, to follow his wife whom had been acting strange.