The Tom Robinson Trail-Personal Narrative

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Pages: 2

As today marks the 8th year since the Tom Robinson trail, I'd like to come out with the truth and my side of the story. 8 years ago, when I was 19, I admit I was immature and I didn’t know what I was getting into, but now, as a 27-year-old woman, I feel as if I have matured. I spent the last 8 years of my life regretting what I had done, and now I’m finally writing this letter to tell the whole story and hopefully bring justice to this case. When I was 19, I had no friends, didn’t talk to anyone, and didn’t know what to do wrong. With nobody around my age to talk to, I just stayed home and helped my dad take care of my other siblings; my mother had been gone for longer than I remember. Whether it’s my mother's absence or my father's sick mind, he’s always been sexually abusing me, taking advantage of me, and going even further than that. …show more content…
Since I never received love, I sought it. Tom Robinson was someone whom I felt was there for me, although now that I look back on it, he was just being nice like anybody would be. That day, he was there. I admit I did try to throw myself at him, but I was pushed off not long after, and I’m deeply sorry for what I did. Had my dad not been there, this thing would’ve never happened; he only saw it when Tom Robinson pushed me off and assumed the worst. I felt really guilty afterwards and angry that I was pushed off. That anger followed me into the day of the trail. I may have sworn to say the truth and nothing but the truth, but the only things that were true were the number of siblings I had and other small things that didn’t involve Tom Robinson. To Tom, I deeply apologize. I knew the power I had over you, and I used that to my advantage, but what I had done was