The US Constitution: Individual Liberties

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Pages: 5

The U.S. Constitution, a written guaranteed document of the liberties for its citizens, is our most significant document in history. As for hundreds of years has this document has provided their citizen’s rights, therefore, it has protected law enforcement from being too powerful across the land. I would like to explain the four most important individual liberties which I believe are provided by the U.S. Constitution as for the purposes of the U.S. criminal justice system. Moreover, the four selected individual liberties selected from our Constitution; are they being interpreted as originally by their authors or are they revolutionizing as society changes?
The 4th amendment, a very important amendment in our country, therefore established for
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Meaning, the jail cannot have held the accused for months awaiting trial, it would be excessive for those who are innocent from the accused crimes after proven not guilty in the courts. This section in the 6th amendment provides critical economical support for the individual who is going to trial. Also, the accused are given the right to face those who accuse them. However, this issue here is very tricky, in case of a young 10-year-old-girl to have to confront her rapist, that is where it can be conflicting. A girl of that age should not be put through such a horrifying situation. This section might change in the future, where the Supreme Court must make a ruling on this case. The Constitution balanced the powers given to their criminal justice system as enough to not become so much powerful over their people. It also granted a counsel for the accused for who cannot afford legal counsel in …show more content…
Therefore, in life, social change is inevitable, so moreover, our individual liberties also are effected and eventually restructured to fit our societal needs. Our 4th amendment has been impacted by cell phone privacy, an example of a change based on societal changes. Now, an officer cannot confiscate and search an individual’s cell phone because that is breaking their civil rights. This amendment had to be modified and is a clear example of how our changes affect our criminal justice professionals in their everyday work. However, the 14th amendment is a legal section in the U.S. Constitution is and has always been best interpreted by their respective authors. When dealing with the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States nor state shall deprive them of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. As the perfection of a crafted context, it will not expect any changes due to societal