The reliance on intuition, as well as pursuing one’s own ignorance are habitual lifestyles which require examination. If mistakes are made and remain irresolute, then change is only fortuitous. If tragedies occur and go unnoticed, then history is bound to repeat itself. In order to reduce patterns of perfuncturate repetition, one must evaluate their own behavioral patterns. The implementation of intent contemplation yields the conception of psychological registration. Living a repetitive life without scrutiny of values and purpose is a waste considering the fact that nothing is learned, and no one grows. When people have tendencies to place too much faith in their intuitions, it leads to inaccurate perceptions and false realities. In the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, the author explains how many people behold the finite amount of information that they have as if it were all there is to fathom. He states that “Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance.” Since it is natural for the strongest beliefs in life to come from feelings, people become impelled to misinterpret their preferences as they only seem to be entrenched in fact. However, if one took the time to analyze their beliefs cautiously, they might find that learning the truth causes them to