The Unsolved Case: Sleepy Hollow

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Pages: 5

The Unsolved Case

The detective’s pitch-black combat boots scraped against the muddy ground as he approached the bloody crime scene. When he kneeled down to collect the evidence, his brown pants changed into a bloody mud colour. As he touched the wet mud that was stuck to his knees, he found red blood and tried to smell whether it was fresh or stale blood. Silently sipping away the black coffee with a smoky taste, the detective started investigating the girl.

A malnourished, pale girl lay on her back, on the ground, with her long blonde hair covering her face, every inch of her body was soaked in blood. She was dressed in a black and white polka dot tank top, and a long sharp fingernail was stuck in her t-shirt. Van guessed it could be a wild
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The whole scene now needed a new beginning. Van now sort of remembered a story of a young couple who were lost in these redwoods when he was a young detective, almost 30 years ago. He then remembered from natives that people who have entered these woods on the full moon day have never been seen again. He immediately asked the sheriff, “Is today a full moon?” The sheriff nodded his head.

Van looked at the dark, gaping woods that seemed to eat up so much of the small town called Sleepy Hollow. He narrowed his eyes, realising his cigarette was over and stamped on it, taking another step closer to the woods.
Maybe it was instinct. Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe it was Van that drove Van into the woods. However, unfortunately, what happened next is something Van would never forget.

As the investigator was just a few feet from the woods, slowly approaching the entrance, something caught the overweight sheriff’s eye, causing his head to snap up from the paperwork. It was Van, slowly making his way into the Red Rock Woods.

“Hey! Van!” The sheriff yelled, jogging over to the detective, who seemed to be in some sort of trance. The sheriff reached out to grab Van on the